“The last painting of a series based on the poems and writings of Olga Ravn”, Oscar Rey (ES/DE)

Artist: Oscar Rey (ES/DE) 4

Title: “The last painting of a series based on the poems and writings of Olga Ravn”

Technique: Linoleum, ink, acrylic paint and collage on paper.

Year: 2020

Edition: 1

Size: DIN A4

Price: 100 €

Artselection Handshake


About the artist:

Oscar Rey creates paintings, sculptures, street art and photographs. Through the simplification of reality in shapes and coloured blocks, he produces vibrant and expressive artworks that ex-plore the universal themes of love, death and capitalism. He seeks above all synthesis and clarity in his mixed technique artworks. He is influenced by expressionism, in the use of non-naturalistic colours, and of cubism in his flattened and compo-site treatment of reality. Rey’s lively and colourful works communicate his cheerful approach to art production rooted in a childlike enjoyment of experimenting with art. Rey is also part of the Knot the Artist Collective, artistic international group formed from Fresh Legs 2018 hosted in our gallery in Berlin.