What is good Art? Good Art has its authentic voice. Where can you find good and interesting art on Lolland and Falster and in Berlin Friedrichshain? Certainly with us. 😉
Our Art shop works as our archive with more than 2000 works online. You will find most prices specified with each artwork. Press the button : read moreunder each work you interested in you find with each work a black button : Have a question for this piece . Here you can send us quick and easy a message concerning the artwork of interest.
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You can also visit us any time at our galleries for a private viewing. ALL ARTWORKS FROM OUR CURRENT AND UPCOMING SHOWS
Greek artist Pinnelopi Vasiklaki touches on a universal need for orientation in the self-discovery phase of early adulthood in her introspective drawings. Her closed-eyed figures may be grappling with questions of identity. Often surrounded by nature and animals, the protagonists appear comforted and stabilized by these elements reminiscent of still lifes. Vasilaki's drawings are introverted, with a pleasant sensitivity that envelops the viewer. The thoughtfulness and contemplative expressions convey a youthful curiosity, but also uncertainty and reticence.
Today, we are introducing you to the artist Katarina Nedeljković (RS) from our exhibition FRESH LEGS Berlin 2024, shown at Galleri Heike Arndt DK Berlin.
Serbian artist Katarina Nedeljkovic explores womanhood's complexities through her compelling charcoal drawings of female nudes. By obscuring facial expressions, she emphasizes the powerful emotions conveyed through body language. Her figures, marked by the signs of life lived, reveal deep emotional narratives through their posture and gestures.
Nedeljkovic's remarkable style captures the complexity of human emotions with contrasting textures and expressive strokes. Her large-scale black-and-white drawings present female figures that confront viewers with both vulnerability and strength. These works invite us to question societal stigmas around body image and embrace the natural beauty of lived-in bodies.
Immerse yourself in the emotional depth and powerful storytelling of Katarina Nedeljkovic's art, and explore the nuanced portrayals of femininity and identity she masterfully presents.
Marina Skepner bruger olie til at ætse sine mørke og ildevarslende fabler om ungdommelig ensomhed på papir. Denne dramatiske atmosfære leder beskueren gennem de følelsesmæssige implikationer af ens ungdommelige uro, et emne, der involverer alle beskuere og beder dem om at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved deres egne formative år og genkalde skjulte sandheder i sig selv.
🌻 Kun 3 søndage tilbage, før vores sommerudstilling slutter!
Nu er det tid til at opdage denne utrolige samling, før den er væk for altid! Vil du besøge os på en hverdag? Det er muligt! Bare sørg for at bestille tid i forvejen!
🖼️ Maleri | 🎥 Video | 🗿 Skulptur | 🎨 Mixed Media | 🏺 Keramik | ✏️ Tegning
Vi tæller dagene ned, indtil denne udstilling afløses af vores kommende SCOUT 2024-udstilling, så vær hurtig!
Vi kan ikke vente med at byde dig velkommen! ____________________________
🌻 Only 3 Sundays left until our Summer Exhibition 2024 ends!
Now is the time to discover this incredible collection before it's gone for good! Do you want to visit on the weekday? That's possible! Just make sure to book an appointment in advance!
🖼️ Painting | 🎥 Video | 🗿 Sculpture | 🎨 Mixed Media | 🏺 Ceramics | ✏️ Drawing
We are counting down the days until this exhibition will give place to our upcoming SCOUT 2024 exhibition, so be fast!