Title: ” Sleepy Fantom”
Artist: Agata Ciesielska (PL)
Technique: Lithography
Edition: 4
Plate Size: 15x20cm
Papersize: 30x40cm (variabel )
Year: 2008
Price: 140 €
Art selection Handshake
Agata Ciesielska is born in Bydgoszcz, Poland. She is educated at Nicolaus Copernicus University, graduating in 2014 with a degree in Graphics. During her studies, Ciesielska specialized in lithography. In her art, political thoughts of sex and gender are expressed. In the series “NAMELESS” the artist makes a satire of the “non-existent” sex life in Catholic countries. Sex is a taboo subject in Ciesielska’s home country Poland, thus she creates art touching subjects such as homosexuality, sex for pleasure, sex and reproduction.
Title: ” Sleepy Fantom”
Artist: Agata Ciesielska (PL)
Technique: Lithography
Edition: 4
Plate Size: 15x20cm
Papersize: 30x40cm (variabel )
Year: 2008
Price: 140 €
Art selection Handshake