“Jimmy”Chloe Grove (UK), Drawing, paper 50x70cm

“Jimmy”Chloe Grove (UK), Drawing, paper 50x70cm


Title: “ Jimmy”

Artist:Chloe Grove (UK)


Size: papersize 50x70cm


Prize: 900 Euro

Chloe Grove (UK)

Chloe Grove’s large scale drawings demand attention and patience to be discovered. Initially distorted subjects appear in their own perfect order and emulate the ever-changing light of a kaleidoscope.

London-born artist Chloe Grove is known for her large format drawings made with coloured pencils. The method she uses is based on thousands of strokes, building up layers until the paper reaches a burnished sheen, a method and approach that can go on for several months. Inspired by physics, space exploration and digital aesthetics, her art recreates the essence of the energy from light and reimagines it in a distorted reality. She captures a fugitive moment and recreates the feeling of it. The spectral colours Grove uses resemble the sun cutting through the rain or reflecting in a mirror, bathing everything in rainbow light, creating a vibrant and lively image.