Title: “I Left the Forest Just for a While, Everywhere Are Hunters and Pedophiles”
Artist: Artur Popek
Technique: Etching and aquatint
Image size: 17 x 20 cm
Paper size: 25 x 28 cm
Year: 2018
Edition: E/A
Price: sold
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Arthur’s etchings will transfix you. His detailed gigantic animals in surrealist and absurd settings are simply fascinating. Through their quirkiness and detail, they bring out the child in us, back to a time when our imagination took us places far away from everyday life. Popek is curious and inquisitive in his prints. Their monochromatic colour scheme encourages the observer to focus on their many details.
His works are representations of questions about self-contemplation, personal imagination and subjective perception. He finds inspiration for his works by playing with instincts, adding a surrealistic touch to these. When talking about his artistic process, he says “During the process of creation, there comes a moment when the creation takes over the creator and allows him or her to fill the void in its own compatible system.” (2019) Here, Popek’s working process once again appears to somewhat follow surrealistic pathways.
Title: “I Left the Forest Just for a While, Everywhere Are Hunters and Pedophiles”
Artist: Artur Popek
Technique: Etching and aquatint
Image size: 17 x 20 cm
Paper size: 25 x 28 cm
Year: 2018
Edition: E/A
Price: sold