Webshop Archive Galleri Heike Arndt DK (KUNST Lolland Falster /Berlin)




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Private viewing Kettinge
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Iván Prieto (ES) Artist Focus
Rita Vandevorst (BE)
Iván Prieto (ES) (2)
Alex R.M. Thompson (CA)
Christian Junghans (DE)
Guy Langevin (CA)
Evgenia Saré (FR)
Cleo Wilkinson (AU)
Anaïs Charras (FR)
Skadi Engeln (DE)
Anna Kiiskinen (FI)
Anna Kodź (PL)
Barbora Heřmanová (CZ)
Bernadette Madden (IE)
Cynthia Back (US)
Emilee Sheldon (GB)
Janne Laine (FI)
Anna Shibanova (FR)
Darya Hancharova (BY)
Hattori Nanako (JP)
Karin Tiefensee (DE)
Kerstin Lichtblau (DE)
Deborah Chapman (CA)
Florence Jalice (FR)
Miyuki Ichijo (JP)
Giovanni Tonello (IT)
Hanna Rozpara (PL)
Ana Heimann (ES)
Hazel Roberts (UK)
Hélène Bascoul (FR)
Herman Noordermeer (NL)
Jaco Putker (NL)
Joe Tsambiras (US)
Judith Lena Bartels (DE)
Katsiaryna Dubovik (BY)
Kim Jeongeun (KR)
Kristina Norvilaitė (LT)
Laurence Finet (CA)
Lenka Vilhelmová (CZ)
Łukasz Koniuszy (PL)
Metka Pepelnak (SI)
Michela Mascarucci (IT)
Milos Djordjevic (RS)
Natalia Żychlińska (PL)
Peili Huang (TW)
Per Teljer (SE)
Claude Jones (1)
Walter Rindone (IT)
Xecon Uddin (BD,FR)
Artist in focus_Juliana Zevallos Tazza (FR)
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Read more about it on our website>>

Alexandru Salceanu (US,RO) Artist in Focus
Gabriella Göransson (NO)Artist in Focus
Casey McKee (US) Artist in Focus
Bernhard Hetzenauer (AT) Artist in Focus
Susanne Maria Wolf (NL,DE) Artist in Focus
Hounyeh Kim (KR) Artist in Focus
Alexandru Salceanu (US,RO)
Gabriella Göransson (NO)Artist in Focus
Casey McKee (US) Artist in Focus
Bernhard Hetzenauer (AT) Artist in Focus
Benedicte Ambjerg (DK) Artist in Focus
Azim F. Becker (DE) Artist in Focus
André Catarino (PT) Artist in Focus
Anastasiya Sakalouskaya (BY) Artist in Focus
MI AE JO (KR) Artist in Focus
Miska Mio (FI) Artist in Focus
Mona Hoel (NO) Artist in Focus
Naomi Middelmann (CH,US) Artist in Focus
Nicole Pietrantoni (US) Artist in Focus
Pinelopi Vasilaki (GR) Artist in Focus
Stella Arion (GB) Artist in Focus
Stephanie Krumbholz (DE) Artist in Focus
Teljer&Hjort (SE,NOR) Artist in Focus
Luanderson Santos (BR) Artist in Focus
Lonni Wong (DE) Artist in Focus
Katarzyna Tomaszewska (PL) Artist in Focus
Giorgio Pratolongo (IT) Artist in Focus
Katarina Nedeljković (RS) Artist in Focus
Georg Bothe (DE) Artist in Focus
Susanne Maria Wolf (NL,DE) Artist in Focus-100
Hounyeh Kim (KR) Artist in Focus
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KETTINGE: SCOUT Exhibition 2024
Read more about it on our website>>

for reasonable prices


What is good Art?  Good Art has its authentic voice.
Where can you find good and interesting art for reasonable prices on Lolland and Falster and in Berlin Friedrichshain?
Certainly with us. 😉

Our  Art shop works as our archive with more than 2000 works online.
You will find most prices specified with each artwork.

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Here you can send us quick and easy a message concerning the artwork of interest.

You can find in the sidemenu our current and previous exhibitions or choose simply at the top menu by technique or by the artistname with the search button.

You can also visit us any time at our galleries for a private viewing.

BERLIN                                                                                                                                                                      KETTINGE

In his small-format screenprints, Milos Djordjevic presents a striking visual contrast between the organic forms of dogs and the rigid, man-made tubes that entangle them. The pipes stand out in stark, solid black-and-white tones, while the dogs are illustrated with a mix of light and shadow that accentuates their fur. This blend creates a conversation between the natural and the artificial, inviting viewers into a space where elegance meets sterility. Djordjevic's distinct style encourages us to think about the meaning behind these contrasts and consider the relationship between animals and the industrial structures that define their lives.Follow to discover more of Djordjevic's work, where art bridges the gap between nature and industry.💻🎨You can find his work on our webshop:webshop.heike-arndt.dk/?s=Milos+Djordjevic+%28RS%29&post_type=product👉Read more about Milos Djordjevic (RS) : berlin.heike-arndt.dk/milos-djordjevic-rs-2 ... See MoreSee Less
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Our MINI MAXI exhibition is currently ongoing, and we are thrilled to see such a great response from our visitors!Stop by and have a look, our exhibition is showcasing 49 international artists, and we are delighted to see our artworks going to new homes!Take a look at some of our recent sales:"Katze auf drei Beinen", Judith Lena Bartels (DE) webshop.heike-arndt.dk/product/katze-auf-drei-beinen-judith-lena-bartels-de/"Moon", Heike Arndt (DK) webshop.heike-arndt.dk/product/the-moon-heike-arndt-dk/"Kamomilla Stad", Maria Persson (SE) webshop.heike-arndt.dk/product/kamomilla-stad-ii-maria-persson-se/"Am Meer", Christian Junghans (DE) webshop.heike-arndt.dk/product/am-meer-christian-junghans-de/ ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Galleri Heike Arndt DK Kettinge
Snart åbner vi dørene igen-denne gang i hele påskeugen fra den 13-20 april holder vi åben dagligt fra kl.11-16. Derefter som sædvanlig om søndagen i helligdagene eller efter aftale. Jeg glade mig supermeget til at møde mine gæster til en fornøjelig forår med gode kunst, hygge og snak. På gensyn Heike. :-)🙃Find mere info om udstillingen her: berlin.heike-arndt.dk/dk/exhibitions/current ... See MoreSee Less
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Vi præsenterer dig for kunstneren Naomi Middelmann (CH/US), som er med i vores gruppeudstilling SCOUT 2024/25, der vises på Galleri Heike Arndt DK Kettinge.Middelmanns seneste tegninger hæver hendes signaturkartografiske stil ved at sammenflette levende farver og mønstre mod minimalistiske baggrunde. Modige, ekspressive linjer tilføjer tekstur og bevægelse til abstrakte mønstre, der minder om traditionelle kort, mens unikke elementer udvisker grænserne mellem fysiske og mentale rum. Gennem denne rumlige fantasi udfordrer Middelmann vores forståelse af rumlige relationer og opfordrer beskueren til at genoverveje deres opfattelser af fysiske steder og mentale rum. Hendes værk inviterer dig til at udforske, hvordan du navigerer i dine omgivelser, og stille spørgsmål ved dine egne opfattelser af rum.💻🎨 Udforsk hendes værker i vores webshop: webshop.heike-arndt.dk/product-category/naomi-middelmann-ch-us/👉 Læs mere om Naomi Middelmann (CH/US): berlin.heike-arndt.dk/naomi-middelmann-ch-us ... See MoreSee Less
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